Zoom: two weeks of photography in Anderlecht
Hey – you! Yes, you. Stop what you’re doing and head to Autonomie, a multidisciplinary arts space in Anderlecht, for a fortnight of photography.

That’s right, ‘Zoom, la quinzaine de la photographie à Bruxelles’ (Zoom, the photography fortnight in Brussels) brings together not two, not three but 11 photography exhibitions in one building that’s worth a zoom in and of itself, located just minutes away on foot from the Lemonnier metro stop.
Start on the ground floor, with works by Bruno D’Alimonte and a view into ZOOM chief Philippe Marchal’s personal collection. Then head on up to the first floor for two remarkable series, M.M. by Gilbert Pedinielli and Cuba Si 64 by Lithuanian-French artist Una Liutkus.
Don’t stop there, because two more floors of impressive photographs are waiting around the proverbial corner. Continue your journey with exhibitions by Stéphanie Moris, Olivier Borst, Philippe Kessel, Philippe Adamantidis, Marc Philippe Legein, Jilali Lahouari and Martine Cecchetto.
All of the wonderful photos will energise you enough to make it to the top floor, where the work of the Bruxelles Pixels is waiting. They have Instagram legends like Eric Ostermann and Lionel Maelfeyt among their ranks, but the entire collective has mastered the art of writing with light.
Find out more information here about when and where you can see the exhibition.
Are you still on the fence about it? Come on, give it a shot! We’re sure it’ll click.
We’ll show ourselves out.