Louvain-la-Neuve in video game version...


Around twenty students have recreated Louvain-la-Neuve in the popular building video game Minecraft, in which players can build anything they want with blocks, a bit like virtual Lego... And the result is amazing!

The students took advantage of their self-isolation at home to recreate a virtual Louvain-la-Neuve. It was a way to get to their favourite city without leaving their homes. Most of the students have actually left Louvain-la-Neuve to live in self-isolation at home with their parents.

The person behind this audacious project dubbed "Louvain-la-Craft" is a nursing student, Maxence Flecyn. He launched an appeal on social media. Around 20 students volunteered.

One week later, the results exceeded all expectations. Nothing was left to chance: the Grand-Place, Rue Charlemagne, Parvis de l'Esplanade and the interior of the Beer Bar. All of these sites were perfectly reproduced in 3D images.

But the students from UCLouvain don't plan on stopping there! They still intend to recreate the lake, the Blocry and several lecture halls.