DEME helps build new offshore wind farm
GeoSea, a subsidiary of the Belgian dredging group DEME, specializing in the construction of wind farms at sea, has won a new large German contract. Under subcontract to the German Siemens, it will perform foundation works for the offshore wind farm Hohe See, 90 km north of the island Borkum in the German North Sea.

The project covers a surface area of 40 km2 and water depths of up to 39 metres. With an installed capacity of almost 500 MW, Hohe See is the largest planned offshore wind farm in Germany. GeoSea will be responsible for the design, the construction and the installation of the 71 monopile and transition piece foundations.
No details were given on the value of the contract, however according to experts it is around 450 million euro.
Christopher Iwens, General Director DEME Germany, is satisfied: "Concluding this contract is a great realization and strengthens our presence in Germany. The preparation works for the offshore wind farm Hohe See will be monitored by a local team of specialists from the new German headquarters in Bremen. In May 2015 DEME took over the offshore assets and the staff from its former German partner Hochtief Offshore Solutions. DEME is continuing its local recruitment campaign."
DEME is one of the pioneering companies in the development of offshore wind energy in Europe. The new contract is far from being their first. In Germany it has already successfully completed works for the offshore wind farms Nordsee One, Godewind, EnBW Baltic II, Borkum Riffgrund '1', Amrumbank, Alpha Ventus and Borkum West II. In Belgium the Group is the owner of offshore wind farm C-Power and is participating in building three Belgian wind farms on the Belgian coast: SeaStar, Rentel and Mermaid.