Ghent scientists have hopeful news for tinnitus sufferers


Tackling tinnitus or permanent ringing in the ears with bimodal stimulation is a new treatment from Ghent that offers the prospect of relief for tinnitus sufferers.

Tinnitus is a terrible ringing in the ears, an incessant phantom sound with no external sound source. There are several possible causes: excessive noise exposure, certain foods, alcohol, stress, medications, viral infections and chronic conditions, such as Ménière's disease. It is a potentially maddening whistling in your head, which in extreme cases can lead to suicide.  

Therefore, the effective treatment method recently developed by Ghent scientists together with colleagues from Hannover and Dublin is eagerly awaited. It consists of a combination of current pulses on the tongue, generated by electrodes, and a kind of noise with sounds played through headphones. By synchronously activating these two nerve pathways, the tongue and the ears, the affected brain area comes to rest. It is known as bimodal stimulation. Of 112 subjects who tested the device at home twice a day for six weeks, about 70 recorded good to very good results. In some cases, the tinnitus even disappeared. The professional journal Nature Communications is highly complimentary.  

Only those with no or limited hearing loss could benefit from treatment. The device is also expensive at €3,000. But if a competitor enters the market soon, the price would drop.