COVID-19: Studying the plasma lead


A large-scale clinical study has been started in Belgium to determine if the plasma of patients who have recovered from COVID-19 could help to keep the condition of sick patients from worsening.

The study is a collaborative effort between university and non-university hospitals throughout the country. It is coordinated by UZ Leuven.

The method of treating sick patients with the plasma of patients who have recovered from the same infection has already proven itself with other infectious diseases. Professor Geert Meyfroidt, the national coordinator, explained that the study "aims to evaluate just how much the administration of antibodies taken from the plasma of recovered patients early on during infection reduces the need for breathing assistance in coronavirus patients." However, he added that there are still many scientific questions to be answered around this new approach.

Belgium is once again involved in a study that brings together several European countries. This is further recognition of our capacities in the medical research sector.