Wines from the Meuse Valley obtain a PDO


Over the past thirty years, wine lovers have relaunched vine growing and wine making in our regions. This has led to the drawing up of coherent legislation and the production of quality wines.

Meuse has become a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), announced Joke Schauvliege, the Flemish Minister for the Environment, Nature and Agriculture. This title is quite unique in Europe since it covers a cross-border territory stretching from Lanaken, Maasmechelen and Maaseik in Belgium to Dutch Limburg.

The Meuse Valley in Limburg obtained this title because of its link between its soil and the taste of the wine. Meteorological data also shows that this zone enjoys a very mild microclimate and is one of the driest areas in Benelux with a stable temperature. The "Maasvallei Limburg" PDO may only be attributed if the wine is produced within this precisely defined geographic area and complies with the principles of the production specifications. The products will benefit from legal protection against forgery and the abusive use of their name. Belgian wine production has developed greatly in recent years. The total surface in 2016 represented 260 hectares, double what it was in 2010.

Discover Belgian PDO wines on this website.