Brussels Pride Week is back in full swing
It’s Pride Week in Brussels, with all kinds of LGBTQI+ events throughout the capital, culminating in the Brussels Pride on 18 May.

This year’s theme is "Safe Everyday Everywhere” and highlights inclusive, empowering, safe and sustainable events. These include rainbow guided tours, workshops meant to raise awareness, a concert by a queer pop choir and so much more.
On Thursday, the capital’s lively and proud Saint-Jacques quarter will be the scene of a Mini-Pride parade to ring in Pride Week’s closing festivities, Belgium’s most famous statue will be dressed for the occasion, and while every event in this tremendous line-up of LGBTQI+ events is worth participating in, the high point of the week will no doubt be the Pride March on Saturday.
Kicking off at 14:30, this celebration of diversity, tolerance and acceptance will start from Mont des Arts, conveniently located near the city’s central station, and head towards that same Saint-Jacques quarter. Fun, pride and solidarity are guaranteed in this celebration that will include numerous DJs and musicians, and who could forget the contestants of Drag Race Belgique?
No matter what, Pride Week should be pleasant and safe for all, and the organisers are doing everything in their power to ensure that all goes well as the celebrations take place. That includes a Safer Zone on Place de l’Albertine, where volunteers and trained professionals can offer psychosocial or medical help.
Happy Pride Week to all!