Antwerp: a smart initiative for reducing CO2 emissions


In order to combat fine particles and greenhouse gases from vehicles, over the past few months, the municipality of Antwerp has set up the "Slim naar Antwerpen" project.

Similar to measures taken in France or Germany, on 1 February 2017, Antwerp launched its project to create a 20 km² Low Emission Zone (LEZ) between the Ring road, the Scheldt and part of the left bank with a view to limiting access to the town centre by the most polluting vehicles. This would greatly help to reduce CO2 emissions and improve air quality in this zone inhabited by about 200,000 people.

In Antwerp, signs equipped with smart cameras now indicate whether drivers are in the LEZ. These cameras use the number plate to check that the vehicle is authorised to circulate in the zone. This environmentally-friendly initiative greatly encourages users to opt for more ecological solutions, such as public transport, train or bicycle.

Thanks to the "Slim naar Antwerpen" project, air quality will be better and walking around the city of Rubens will be highly enjoyable.

In order to check that your vehicle is authorised to circulate in this zone, find your log book and visit the website