Solvay, an internationally acclaimed player in sustainable development


The Solvay Group is considered to be one of the international companies most committed to sustainable development.

According to a Wall Street Journal survey, the Solvay chemicals group, which has been headquartered in Brussels for more than 150 years, is one of the 100 best-managed companies in the world based on planet sustainability criteria. This 52nd place in the ranking of publicly listed international companies is due to its management policy, whose economic development makes best use of innovations that respect social and environmental issues.

This vision has only been strengthened in recent years with the aim of formalising real and ever higher future ambitions. Solvay has also just raised its sustainability objectives for reducing greenhouse gas emissions with the adoption of the "Solvay One Planet" plan. Solvay CEO Ilham Kadri, who is delighted with this international recognition of the efforts of the group, acknowledges "We are setting ourselves even bolder goals to solve the main environmental and societal challenges through science and its technical innovations. And beyond climate change, we will also address the scarcity of resources by striving to contribute to a better life for all."

Solvay is therefore choosing more than ever to meet the United Nations sustainable development goals and aligning itself with the Paris climate agreement.