KU Leuven improves in Times Higher Education ranking


KU Leuven, the celebrated Belgian university, has improved its ranking on the Times Higher Education (THE) 2025 list.

With its current ranking, the university jumps ahead by two places compared to 2024, proving it stands out on a global scale, facing off against institutions from 115 countries.  

Three other Belgian universities – Ghent, Antwerp and the Université Catholique de Louvain (KU Leuven’s French-speaking counterpart) - rank among the top 10 % of the more than 2000 universities that were considered. 

The ranking indicates that the university stands out most when it comes to industry, research quality and international outlook. These are three of five major pillars considered by THE to produce its annual ranking. 

It's been well-established that Belgian universities as a whole deliver quality research. Just look at our Science page to see some of the remarkable advances that scientists from across Belgium have made.