Belgium among the world's best in innovation
Belgium is ranked fourth on the list of the most innovative economies. This conclusion comes from the reputable German Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW).
The ZEW, based in the German city of Mannheim, carried out an international study comparing 35 industrial countries in terms of their capacity for innovation. All countries were given a score for innovation in their economy, science, education, political institutions and civil society.
ZEW also ranked the countries within 5 sub-segments: Belgium ranks highly in all 5: industry (9th), science (6th), education (10th), political institutions (7th) and civil society (8th).
On a global level, Switzerland has the most innovative economy according to ZEW, followed by Singapore, Finland and Belgium. In 2010 Belgium was tenth, so has made great progress. In fourth place Belgium is ahead of neighbouring countries Germany (6), the Netherlands (8) and France (17). You can see the complete list here.
According to the researchers, our country holds a leading position in innovation and research thanks to a large group of SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises) who emerge as the covert champions of industrial niche supply. In general, they conclude that Belgium's innovation system remains balanced, with no weakness in any particular area.