Release of the animated film, "Smurfs: The Lost Village"


A new adventure begins for our small Belgian Smurfs! The producer Jordan Kerner has taken two excellent new initiatives. Firstly, by producing a fully-animated film without real images and secondly, by deciding to return to the original spirit of the Peyo albums.

The two previous films telling the story of our favourite Smurfs, combined real actors and computer generated images which was a major change to the world created by Peyo. This third film, however, which is a reboot, no longer has any connection to its predecessors! This time, it is an animated film more in tune with the universe created by Peyo, the talented Belgian. There are also many references to his fabulous albums. Finally, “the Smurfs and the Lost Village” addresses the question that obsesses all fans of Peyo's work: why is Smurfette the only girl in Smurf Village?

The Smurfs are immensely popular all over the world and Belgium and its residents are very proud of them. Furthermore, a few weeks ago, the UN, UNICEF and the United Nations Foundation used our small Belgian creatures in an awareness campaign for sustainable development. The UN hopes that this campaign will motivate millions of young people and their families to act to eradicate poverty, reduce inequality and protect our planet. Proof that the Smurfs do not simply entertain worldwide, but also make things happen.