A power failure in the United States? CE+T comes to the rescue
In 1934, a professor at ULiège founded CE+T Power, the first Belgian 'start-up'. From emergency power supply for industrial operators, the company has expanded its field of activity to include efficient and ecological energy management.

CE+T has grown from a small company to a global player with 15 subsidiaries in the fields of storage, recycling and better energy management.
In the United States in particular, CE+T is proving to be a real success story. In 2021, for example, it grew by as much as 51% over 2020. Its major US customers include the New York City subway, the telecommunications group AT&T and the communications technology company Motorola. As is the American tradition, CE+T is not content to offer the best solutions; on the contrary, it aspires to be the only company to do so, for example by fixing a power failure in the New York City subway or in a particular hospital. The US power grid dates back to the 1920s and 1930s; CE+T offers solutions to cushion the overload caused by solar panels, charging stations, etc. today. Or by recycling energy and thus contributing to a cleaner planet.
CE+T swears by its three-pronged strategy. Zero faults: in the event of a fault, another circuit takes over. Zero cost: due to the return on investment effect of renewable or reused energy. Zero CO₂ emissions: thanks to these same renewable energies.
This is one more example of Belgium showing the entire world how to support the energy transition.