Mayor Termont of Ghent 2nd best in the world


The Mayor of Ghent, Daniël Termont (61), was elected the second best mayor in the world by the World Mayor Project on 3 February. In addition, Termont received the ‘World Mayor Commendation for services to European cities’. Naheed Nenshi, the Mayor of Calgary, Canada, won first place. Tri Rishmaharini from Surabaya, Indonesia, came third place.

Every two years since 2004, the World Mayor Project has rewarded the mayor who best serves his or her residents, communicates openly and honestly and contributes nationally and internationally throughout their mandate. The selection takes place on the basis of several rounds of voting and specific criteria. The organisation aims to achieve a worldwide approach so that even the mayor of a small village can get into the top 10.

The jury commends Termont’s choice to be mayor of Ghent. “He was asked several times to enter national politics but he has turned down these offers every time in order to serve Ghent and its residents.” The ambitious environmental, economic and social objectives of the city, and the way in which these are being achieved by collaborating with residents and other stakeholders, also convinced the jury.

Termont is described as someone who remains true to himself and who is easy to approach. He talks comfortably with ordinary citizens but he is also a good negotiator in international government and business matters.

Termont himself gives credit to Ghent and its people for his winning 2nd place: “Of course, this recognition is due to more than just my work as mayor. It is also thanks to the magnificent reputation that Ghent enjoys today as an exuberant, creative city of knowledge and culture. We all – politicians, civil servants, business owners and all of those thousands of engaged residents – work together on this every day, making Ghent such an attractive city. Therefore, I congratulate all of the people of Ghent. Well done! It is a wonderful acknowledgement of our united efforts. Let’s continue our good work!”